April fishing can be hot and cold. As of this writing, its been mostly cold. Numbers, and size, are down while the amount of grass is WAY up! Its hard to fish areas in less than 10ft of water due to the grass. The bass are loving it. We aren't so much.
We are still catching fish... just not as many as we'd like. But, when do you ever really catch all you want? April means the spawn is on. So that means beating the banks. If you've been to Naconiche, you know that's a tough order to fill. Between the heavy grass and the extra floating timber from the recent storms, we've had tough times out there. Did that stop us from chunkin' and windin'?? Hell NO!! Has that got me frustrated for my clients? Unfortunately, yes.
Looking forward to the post-spawn bite!!
(Pic) Thanks Hunter E. for being one of my best returning clients!
Come Attack the Nac before my rates go up! (Hint... probably Sept. 1st)
