Am I losing my skills? Maybe just losing my mind. Yeah, that must be it. Just honestly... I can't seem to buy a fish, lately. January just kicked my butt. Part of it is because I didn't get to fish a ton. We went on our first cruise and I caught the Flu, so that was 10 days of no fishing, right there. Then, the freezing cold held me back some, as well. So, I'm just going to tell myself... "Self! It will get better!"
This is prime-time for the fat bottom girls. Typically, the solo fish out in deep water is where you'll find'er. That's easier said than done. Go find a 2ft fish in acres of water. Not easy! But, if you do, then you have to get her to bite. Even harder! I'm trying the ol' jig and minnow approach. That's tried and true. But you've got to be accurate and place that "cricket" right above her head. Again... not easy.
I'll be looking to get back to my "normal" A-rigs and jerkbaits in February. At least I'll boat some fish that way. The fences are hard to swing for.
Just a reminder of what's out there in winter.
Come Attack the Nac!
